Apr 5, 2023Liked by Obinna Anyaibe

Hey Obinna. This was so beautiful to read. Thank you for letting go of your initial fears and saying yes to God. Whatever the outcome of this decision, be content that you obeyed the Lord. And he will strengthen you in the days the journey isn't looking great. And yes, "Send me" is a beautiful song. More powerful than beautiful, to be honest.

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Thank you so much, Temi--for reading and for the words of encouragement, which I'll surely hold on to. And, yes, "Send Me" is such a blessing to every listener. I can't even stress how comforted I always feel when doubts and fear try to get the better of me. I'm so grateful for Bethel Music and other wonderful bands (and artistes) like them.

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Obinna Anyaibe

Thank you for sharing, Brother. More grace.

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Thank you so much for reading, brother. I really appreciate it.

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Obinna Anyaibe

I really enjoyed reading this, especially this part 👇

"..it’s not God’s nature to start a project with us and abandon us halfway." I believe😌

I seriously have the zeal to read Bible more 😇

May the good Lord never depart from you 🙏 🙌

I pray for more knowledge and wisdom for you to share us more 😌 Thank you 😊

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Thank you so much for your prayers, Jade. And for taking the time to read, too. I'm so glad you've rekindled your passion to study the Bible. The wisdom and clarity to be gained in studying God's word is honestly second to none. 😊

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Obinna Anyaibe

You're welcome 😊


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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Obinna Anyaibe

"I realized that believing or insisting we can’t do anything God has called us to do simply means we doubt His ability to help and guide us as He has promised to." Precisely.

I feel called to spread His word, too. What I struggle with is micro-dosing. Sometimes you can't just overwhelm people but you have to share bits and pieces at the appropriate time. When I share just a sentence, I feel like I let Him down. I could do more. Am I not really a good witness? I doubt myself. But that's what the Evil one does - saws doubt. Instead, I know that everyone has to be approached in a different way. Sometimes you just can't throw a lot at people because they won't have that much time to process and it's easier for them to reject it outright that way.

There is fear of showing up and fear of continuing once you show up. But stand strong in Him and you will be golden!

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Either last week or the week before, I was reading this newsletter that talked about how people tend to dump something that helped them heal on someone that's hurting, hoping it would help this other person heal as it did for them. I thought it was just the same as how we often share God's word, especially with those in our inner circle.

We may listen to several sermons that offered us clarity. And knowing that a friend is lost, confused, and in need of clarity and a sense of direction, we may dump links to all these sermons on them when a conversation with them might have achieved a better result. Because the truth is, no matter how much healing or eye-opening power something has, if someone isn't ready to receive it, it won't work for them as it worked for you.

In these moments, knowing that as similar as our journeys are, they are different--WE are different and are in different points in our journeys--it helps to relate to others as God does. Patiently. I'm learning to not be sensitive to other people's needs and adapt my frequency and approach in bringing God's to them to these needs. It's not always easy discerning this, and it can be even more challenging when they're still not willing to receive the Word. But God's grace is sufficient to guide and comfort us when things don't go as well as we hoped. I pray you find the patience to relate well with those you share the Word with and the zeal to continue even when they don't respond well to you.

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God bless you for trusting God and obeying, God's grace 💕

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Thank you, dear, for the kind words and for taking the time to read this. God bless you, too. ❤️

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Thank you for this sir. This message was very timely. I pray that God gives me the strength to "let go and let God".

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Thank you so much for reading, Joy. Your prayer is one I often pray myself--that I learn to surrender all control to God and let God be God.

I trust that God will give you the strength you need and help you build your trust in him.

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