This is so apt for me. Thank you Obinna for these words of encouragement.

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You're most welcome, Faith. Most welcome.

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May 4, 2023Liked by Obinna Anyaibe

I think that we worry about imminent things and make them our priority (I need food and shelter, so I need work, so we focus on that), putting God for 'later' when we have time because he's not going anywhere.

Sometimes we do this with other people around us and we end up neglecting and sometimes losing those relationships. We take them for granted. We take God for granted.

Throughout Lent, I woke up earlier every day (even on weekends) and spent the first hour of my day on Bible study, prayer, etc. It set the perfect tone for the day.

Now that we're out of Lent, I don't hold myself to such a standard as rigidly and wake up later, which means I don't have time... and then the later it gets in the day... the later it gets. I still do my readings, but am not as dedicated to it and it makes me feel terrible.

So, every day, I fight to make Him the priority that He is. Am I 100% successful? No. But when I am, everything is so much better. And I think that's what we should keep in mind - that we might think that God is something that can be delayed, but it's not true. Not only do we not know when our end will come, but because He IS necessary and imminent every single day for all the other priorities we focus on.

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This is spot on and very relatable. Every day since Wednesday have been a struggle between me and these other responsibilities. Some days, it's easy to put God first; other times, it takes everything in me not to put God second to something. It seems all life is bent on doing is get in the way, but I trust that we'll be all right in the mind.

In the meantime, I'll just focus on making the most of my time because, as you so rightly said, we don't know how much time we have; hence the need to use it intentionally.

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