Thank you so much, Obinna. This was really heart stirring.

Please, can I get the link to download the message you recommended?

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You're most welcome, Chisom. Thank you for taking the time to read. 🌸

I embedded a link in the title of the sermon, so it should be clickable. Please, let me know if the title directs you to a YouTube video when you click on it.

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Truly, there's no Superman in this Christian journey. Joseph could pray but he chose to flee.

As Christians, we must be able to discern when to run to save our heads.

The word of God tells us that what so ever we yield ourselves to, we become its servant. And just like physical food increases our body mass, so also we get fatter in our spirit when we constantly feed on spiritual food.

Thank you, Obinna. I pray that God blesses you and gives you more strength to overcome your weaknesses.

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Your second paragraph summarizes it succinctly. 🌸

Thank you so much for reading, Joy, and for the kind prayers. I hope you have a pleasant weekend ahead. God bless you richly. 🌸

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